ProCopy has introduced it's 100 CD Cardsleeve Demopack
If you need a short run of CDs for demo purposes, promotional releases or presentation packs, then we have introduced our new CD Cardsleeve demopack.
Usually card sleeves Cd packages are done in 500 runs due to the nature or the production process, (see ProCopy replicated CD packages here) however we can now provide you with a high quality printed CD card sleeves for your next band music release in short runs.
100 CD Cardsleeve demo pack
The 2 panel cardsleeve can be printed colour on both sides and there is a full colour high quality thermal disc print. (Download ProCopy Card sleeve and disc print artwork templates here).
You can now upload completed artwork electronically to our server, so we can turn your job round with the minimum of fuss with air freight delivery available throughout Australia.
Unsure of what discs you need? or what CD or Dvd copying process is best for your next media job? View more information about CD and DVD Duplication and Replication here,
Contact us for further details by calling 1300 4 PROCOPY or click the links below:
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