Your memories are worth Tru-Gold at Procopy

ProCopy has been transferring audio and video footage to CD & DVD for many years and always puts your Masters on to Archive Grade media.(Usually A-Grade Taiyo Yuden)
Recently we have added customised Tru-Gold Archive Discs (with a 200 year life) to our product list and now put your film footage or audio content on to these discs. We will then provide you extra copies on our standard printable A-grade media. (Extra copies available on the Tru-Gold CD or DVD discs at additional cost).
We recommend you store your Masters safely and play them as little as possible in order to keep them for future generations. Keeping them in an area of minimum temperature change and constant humidity is a good start, investing in an "old foam style eskie" might help in areas where the temperature varies a lot.
Using the safety copy to play back for friends and family, and then using the "archived" Master to make another copy should the viewing copy get damaged.
You can view more about ProCopy's film to DVD services here.
And our friendly staff are available for questions during normal office hours on 1300 4 PROCOPY or email via the ProCopy contact page.
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