Need Small Run DVD or CD Production Prior to Christmas?

CD & DVD demo packs at ProCopy are very popular for album or product launches (catalgues or CdRoms) when there is not enough time to get the full bulk run completed. We have expanded our capacity to cater for last minute production runs prior to Christmas this year so we can meet almost any requirement.
Our High quality duplication and thermal print gives these discs the same professional appearance as the bulk run product and we can turn around your project in only a few days.
Along with the Demopacks we offer a variety of packaging options, from standard CD or DVD boxes to Pvc or paper sleeves, and now offer recycyled paper booklets.
For more details view our CD Duplication information here or short run DVD products here.
When you are preparing your next project don't forget to request our Free CD or DVD Mastering pack so that you get the best quality final product.
Do you have a rush job? We pride ourselves on meeting your deadlines and will make sure we deliver on time.
For further enquiries call 1300 4 PROCOPY.
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