APRA / AMCOS new Music Licensing Guides Press Release

APRA releases new music licencsing information and dispute resolution information in the following press release:
"Important information about our recent authorisation by the ACCC
New independent access for licensees to resolve licensing disputes.
Since 1999 APRA has sought authorisation by the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC). We choose to seek authorisation from the ACCC of our unique position in licensing businesses and individuals in their communication and reproduction of music. We are aware this may give rise to competition issues under the Competition and Consumer Act.
On 6 June 2014 the ACCC handed down its latest Determination, authorising APRA’s operations for the next five years. As part of this authorisation, we are forming a new and independent dispute resolution process to assist in the resolution of disputes between APRA and its licensees. We are also developing a separate system for APRA and its songwriter and publisher members. Our new dispute resolution system will go live early next year.
An independent external resolution facilitator, Shirli Kirschner of Resolve Advisors, has been appointed to establish a Consultative Committee to monitor and provide feedback on the implementation of the new dispute resolution process. This committee will also act as a representative group that provides input based on the views of its stakeholders. We will write to you again seeking nominations for this Consultative Committee within the next two weeks, so please stay tuned if this is of interest to you.
Our new information guides for licensees
APRA AMCOS is pleased to announce our new music licence guides are now available for download on our website. These guides were developed to ensure music customers have a general understanding of music licensing and the way in which APRA AMCOS licences work. The guides are categorised by business and music type and easily give a snapshot of how you can tailor an APRA AMCOS music licence to suit your music use. There is also a guide to explain how you can seek a licence directly from our members (rather than through APRA AMCOS), if this is your preference.
You can download the new licence information guides here
For further information on our music licences and how music can benefit your business or event visit the APRA AMCOS website."