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Entries in CD & DVD Artwork Templates (1)


Graphic design image formats for CD & DVD packages

There are many graphic design formats available when creating images and artwork for CD & DVD projects. When do you use a Jpeg, Tiff, Png or Gif image format? Understandably it can cause confusion and often will not produce the desired outome with the finished product if the wrong image formats are used when putting the original artwork together.

We have a chart available that shows the pro's and con's of each of the common image formats to help you with your graphic design work.

The image format chart can be viewed and downloaded here:

If you have further questions please email or call ProCopy on 1300 4 PROCOPY our staff will be more than happy to help you with your next project.

CD & DVD Artwork templates can be found here, with other information to help you avoid pitfalls in your artwork creation