Would $15,000 towards your next music project help?

The Australia Council has details of a new grant in place that closes Nov 2014
Music Section in partnership with PPCA (initiative)
Amount $15,000
Applications close 25 November 2014
Decisions advised February 2015
Eligible projects commence from 15 March 2015
Click here for Eligibility and selection criteria
You will also find an online application form and FAQs about the process.
Information from the Australia Council website:
The Phonographic Performance Company of Australia Limited (PPCA) is a national, non-government, non-profit organisation that represents the interest of record companies and Australian recording artists.
The PPCA - Australia Council Recording Artist Grant is a partnership between the Australia Council and PPCA to support Australian artists to create new sound recordings.
You may apply for any costs primarily associated with the creation of a sound recording, which may also involve some costs associated with the promotion of that recording.
Potential applicants are encouraged to discuss their application. For information and any questions relating to this initiative, contact:
Rosanna Marks-Smith
Program Officer, Music
Phone (02) 9215 9108, or toll free 1800 226 912
Email [email protected]
Skype consultations available: please email the above contact above and arrangements will be made for a skype call.
Good luck with your application.