Do you need Video Copy protection on your DVDs?

Video producers that are reliant on income from sales of physical product have suffered for the last few years by having their Masters copied or illegally pirated.
At ProCopy we have an effective method of copy protecting your DVDs so that you can maintain or even increase your sales.
If you are producing DVDs of Weddings, School Balls, Concerts, Sports matches, corporate presentations or other entertainment programmes you should consider protecting your income.
We can copy protect from 1 to thousands of copies.
Call ProCopy on 1300 4 PROCOPY or 08 93753902. for more details.
ProCopy Quick Tip:
Before supplying any reference copies or completed masters to your clients make sure you only give them a copy protected version. Once there's an unprotected master out there it's much harder to control the sales of your projects.